Frank took a day trip with me yesterday to Provincetown, a town at the end of Cape Cod. He got cruised so many times, attracting much more attention than me. See below for his escapades.
by Elizabeth A. Allen
Frank took a day trip with me yesterday to Provincetown, a town at the end of Cape Cod. He got cruised so many times, attracting much more attention than me. See below for his escapades.
Gasp! Is that a 1:1 sighting in the second picture?? I love Frank’s honesty about “copping a feel.”
Yes, who is that young man sitting next to Frank there? Just kidding!! Anyway its good to see Frank out and about and in action. S/he looks great! Please to know that I am working on those shoulder-balls today so Frank can have some slightly beefier arms soon.
Frank kicks ass! The shot of him “copping a feel” rocks. That and I feel SO much more intellegent as to the world of sex toys. Thanks Frank!
I love watching the crew out and about.
Tell Frank for me that he looks smashing in pink!
I can’t decide if those vintage vibrators are amusing or creepy or both, but they are certainly interesting…the history of sex is always fun to explore. (Why is it that so many things produced back in the day rather resemble torture devices now?)
The Loremistress