Back in January, I mentioned that I was getting a custom 1:6 fig from Twigling. Horsegirl eventually arrived, but I didn’t get around to taking pictures of her until today when I brought her to doll club. Everyone admired her sculpting and her digitigrade legs. As she traveled to and from Burlington in my tote bag, some of her paint chipped, so I’ll have to bundle her more carefully if she goes out again. See her hanging out among the potted plants below. I named her Epona, the Roman goddess of horses!
Yayy! She arrived XD So awesome… I hope you like her and that she’s settling in with the rest of your crew;)
Oh my gosh — Epona is AMAAAAZING!!!
Is she a combination of vinyl and clay? Or . . . ?
I *love* how she turned out — and “Epona” is a perfect name!
— A ^_^
She’s a modified Cy Girl, so some kind of plastic (ABS?), built-up with paperclay. This is from before I got into BJDs. I’d like to do a BJD version, but Beryl kinda ruined it for me.. the “done it first”-element, anyway.