Goal: Scrawny 1:6 male body to accommodate standard action fig heads.
Base: Volks Neo Go Guy. Pros: Appropriate build. Fits Barbie clothes. Cons: Neck too narrow. Body too light. Fragile.
Base: Obitsu Slender Male. Pros: Appropriate build. Removable limbs. Tight joints. Fits Barbie clothes. Cons: Neck too narrow. Body too light.
Base: Obitsu regular guy. Pros: Removable limbs. Tight joints. Shoulders wide enough. Cons: Too many muscles. Arms too thick. Does NOT fit Barbie clothes.
Base: DML male. Pros: Slenderest of all standard male action figs. Shoulders wide enough. Good weight. Good posability. Cons: Shoulders too wide. Chest too deep. Does NOT fit Barbie clothes.
Base: Medicom RAH body. Pros: Appropriately narrow shoulders and wide neck. Cons: Poor posability and durability. Really short.
Base: BBI PB with masectomy. Pros: Appropriate build. Thicker neck than slender males. Fits into Barbie clothes. Cons: Have to fill in masectomy holes. Squishy breast plate. Clicky limbs.
Basic options: Bulk up a slender body. Trim down a muscular body. Transgenderize a fem body.
Because I am much better at reducing than adding, trimming down a muscular body would be better than bulking up a slender one. Because I am much more familiar with STEAK KNIFE MASECTOMIES than with trimming down muscular bodies, transgenderizing a fem body appeals to me most.
When I ever get some free time, I should compare the size of Will’s head to the neckpost of a PB.
1 Comment
Actually, in transgendering a PB, you could chuck the breast plate completely and use Apoxie to sculpt an entirely new chest area. If you wanted to.