Med4D offered a time-limited freebie, 80s Gym Set for G2F, including the clothing and hair you see below. It’s a beautifully modeled set with lots of material zones, and the hair especially makes me very happy. Jareth too, as you can tell by the renders below.
Sources: The usual for Jareth’s base, morph, and textures. Hair and all clothing from Mec4D’s freebie ’80s Gym Set for G2F. Texture on the hair from a freebie by MSTene, custom trans maps by me. Shaders on the clothes include Denki Gaka’s Nifty Knitting, my freebie Loud Fabrics 02, and parrotdolphin’s Soft Leather Shaders. Pose is one of Girl 6’s defaults. Backdrop by me.