I think he was going for some early 20th-century blue collar look here. The thoroughly modern OMG SQUEEEEEEEEEE! body language could be slightly anachronistic, though. :p
As an aside, I should mention that Neftis and Cauchemar3D’s G2M Jack the Ripper Hair supersedes Luthbel’s G2M Horror Survivor Marius spike, brows, and facial hair as my favorite set designed for a male figure. Jack the Ripper has a wonderful messy, wayward look. The hairline and distribution of hair on the front crown convincingly mimic a high, possibly receding forehead. In a market full of luxuriant, bountiful hairstyles created for youthful characters for whom hair loss is just a distant nightmare, Jack the Ripper remains one of the few realistic options for slightly older people. The morphs to alter/remove sideburns and mustache just make this even more versatile. Now that I’ve gotten the set to work on G3F, I do believe that I’ve found Jareth’s preferred hairstyle for whenever he feels like “butchin’ it up.”