Here’s Jareth showing off his new cape from Meshitup’s G2M DM Suit, which ripples better than any other cape I’ve ever seen. Set is FirstBastion’s Lost in a Labyrinth, location for much of my music video photoshoot based on the song Labyrinth. Click to enlarge.
Jareth’s figure, morphs, and textures previously discussed. Hair is Aliza 2.0 by meeeeeeee!!! Tunic and vest from Ravenhair’s M4 Evilson. Pants and boots from Luthbel’s Gen1 Jack of Hearts. Pendant is a scan of an actual one made by Goblin Art. Gloves from Wilmap’s Gen1 Winter Wear. Cape from Meshitup’s G2M DM Suit. V3Digitimes’ Soldiers of Magic Serpio for the pink magic. Shaders from Aelflead’s Fancy by Fisty and Darc, Verne Trading Co Steampunk Shaders by Khory_D, and Decan’s Paint Shop by Decan. Pose from Sedor’s BWC G2F Fashion. Expression by meeeeee! Set and lights [except for the Serpio beam] from FirstBastion’s Lost in a Labyrinth.