Little Alison is complete! She’s a representation of my interpretation of Doctor Who extended universe companion Alison Cheney, who appears in The Scream of the Shalka. She is a Jakks Pacific Juku Couture Kana head, repainted and rehaired, on a modified Noix de Rome Ninie body. I would have kept her on her original Juku Couture body, but it was all single-jointed, with an inability to sit realistically with thighs together, so I spent much time and labor splicing her onto a Ninie body for the double-ganged arms and knees, plus the realistic thigh position.
For head mods, I removed all original hair and paint, except for eyelashes. Removed a patch of skull to make hair removal easier. Carved out neck hole to fit Ninie neck. Repainted face. Made hair by gluing to scalp in spiral pattern. Made hair band from waistband of Bratz pantz.
For body mods, I wedged part of a fake plastic grape around neck prong to fit larger head opening. Painted neck and breast to roughly match head. Added upper arm swivel joints made of pins sunk into shoulders and held with Aves Apoxie Sculpt. Hot glue provided tight friction fit. Spliced original Juku Couture forearms onto Ninie forearms with Aves Apoxie Sculpt. Ripped off original squidgy feet and sank ankle stumps into plastic Barbie sneakers filled with Aves Apoxie Sculpt. Glued sneakers on ankle posts.
Also of note is that Little Alison is wearing a pair of pants that I handmade all by myself from a pattern that I reverse-engineered correctly on the first try. She was originally wearing some Bratz pantz that were the right length, but did not cover her butt. I ripped apart the pantz and reverse-engineered a pattern from them, being sure to add enough room to cover the butt, even when Little Alison was sitting down. These pants, sewn from stretchy knit, were the result.
I now know how to make two types of shirts, a collared one and a raglan sleeve one, and one type of pants. With this knowledge, I can make serviceable clothes for any of my dolls, no matter what the size. MUAH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
In other words, all my dolls are going to wear novelty sock sweaters, loud printed cotton shirts, and leggings of questionable taste from now on.