Today I gave my Mattel Thirteen some Obitsu24 hands on Obitsu24 pegs because they’re slightly larger and more proportional than the default Mattel ones. I removed the neck spike thing from the cut-off top of neck, reamed out inside of shortened neck, and wedged loop end of neck spike thing into opened-up neck. It will hold the head on fine as long as I don’t pop head on and off, which I won’t. Sealed faceup, glossed eyes, trimmed one bang on left side. I used dark brown paint on the hair to simulate the brown roots along the part and around hairline around face. Once I get some brown boots from @natalunasans, I can call this custom complete. Till then, have some pics of a mostly complete, very smirky Thirteen.
I’m so pleased with the results of this custom. It should be noted that I am no longer a fan of modern DW, and I refuse to watch any more of it since its racism, sexism, classism, and ableism have broken my heart too many times. I will never see any episodes with Thirteen in them. Nevertheless, I love the character of the Thirteenth Doctor, in part because they are QUEER AS FUCK. Hence my affection.
Anyway, though not a fan of Thirteen’s era, I still become very excited when Thirteen dolls come out. The 10″ Character Options one thrilled me, as did the Mattel version. I wouldn’t have gone out and bought the Mattel one, since it is not at all worth $50.00. But I welcomed the gift of it from @natalunasans because, as soon as I saw it, I had a hunch that I could make it so much better.