Look who I’m making a doll of! Look who I spent an ungodly [har har] amount of money on clothes for! Look who I spent $40.00 on sunglasses for that don’t even fit her damn [har har] face! Look whose neck I’m gonna have to bulk up… Look whose hair I’m gonna have to sculpt without weighing down the back of her head too much. Look whose head I’m going to have to paint for a rough match… Look who still needs mods on her blazer for a higher collar and slightly longer shirt cuffs and a dark red ribbon at her throat and a carpet bag and SOME GLASSES THAT FIT!
Look who, despite all that, looks remarkably awesome, even in draft form and will look even awesomer when I give her a smirk! Look who’s eventually going to have at least a Heck doll to go with her!