The Little Dorks and Clara [Mattel Nutcracker and the Four Realms doll of Clara, i.e., the only fully articulated Skipper-size body that was around before the Mattel Creatable World line] attended VTDL yesterday. I opened up my two Mattel Creatable World dolls, purchased on sale at the end of November for $10.00, and took pictures of the CW clothes with my Little Dorks.
The CWs come in attractively designed packaging without twist ties. They each come with a variety of clothing items, as well as a long-hair wig that can go over the short rooted hair. I find the wigs too thick in the cap and the default heads cute, but too large, so there will be no pictures of them.I bought this set for the paint-spattered overalls, which I thought would be perfect for the Little Fixit. Sadly, the Little Fixit is the smallest of my kid dolls, so they are too little for the cool pants.The kidsies at VTDL, L to R: Clara, Little Bill, Little Alison [who hopped right onto a CW body], the Little Fixit, and the Little Witch.Body comparison between CW body on the left and the Clara body on the right. The CW seems to be an all-new sculpt, with 2019 on the butt and a less defined torso than Clara. CW is also shorter.Sitting comparison shows that they each have 90 degrees at the knees and an inability to sit with their thighs closed and parallel. Note articulated ankles and larger feet on CW and smaller feets on Clara.CW hands on left are smaller than Clara hands. CW hands fit better through the small sleeve holes, while Clara hands are supposed to look more elegant, like a ballerina’s.Profile shots show that both have 90 degrees at the elbows. It’s easier to balance CW unaided than Clara.Here comes the fashion show, with both Little Alison and Clara modeling CW ensembles!! Every single item in the CW sets has finished edges, easy-to-use fasteners, and durable construction, without cheap printed fabric. Why can’t Mattel do more playline of this quality?!Casual Little Alison is casual. <3 <3More cool stuff. I just love the quality of every single piece. Little Alison especially likes the silver Doc Martens. Clara, clearly uneasy about abandoning her uniform, resorts to her hat again.Clara’s sweatshirt has a zipper with an in-scale pull. I nearly fell over from amazement! Also…clearly Little Alison has claimed the paint-spattered overalls…Little Alison models her accessory, a galaxy-print bag. The bags are made of fully finished fabric, and you can actually put things in them!!!The Little Dorks with some of my 1:6 scale Xmas props.Casual blue soldier? IDK.The Dork Fam goes, “AWWWWWWWW!” over Little Alison’s teddy bear.It looks like a sad Winnie the Pooh. It’s also entirely handmade with functional joints. It is so cute.