L to R: Little Alison, Little Bill, the Little Witch, and the Little Fixit.
The Little Witch and the Little Fixit are very poseable, with double-jointed limbs and torso joints. Little Alison and Little Bill used to be that poseable, but I swapped them onto Mattel Creatable World bodies for better skintone match. Their newfound ability to bare their limbs came at the expense of double-jointed limbs and torso joints. Dammit!
When I heard that the latest wave of Mattel BMR1959 dolls included a petite Made to Move doll in a brown skintone, I decided to risk buying two. At best, they would be approximately Little Alison and Little Bill’s height and coloring, and I could just swap their heads and hands on. At worst, maybe I’d just do an arm swap or a bust swap or something.
Fuck! No skintone match at all!Arm swap it is. So essentially I paid $60.00 for two sets of petite double-jointed arms THAT DON’T EVEN MATCH. I’m okay with that, though.I could have done a leg swap too, but I prize double-jointed elbows [and jointed arms in general] over double-jointed legs. Besides, Little Alison and Little Bill will still have decent color matches between head and legs, so they can wear shorts and stuff!
I used a very sharp box cutter to amputate limbs, my rotary tool and a very slow drill bit to core out upper and lower upper arms, picture nails to provide upper arm swivels, wire cutters to trim the nails, and heatmold plastic to fill any extra space around the nails.Behold! Little Alison is new and improved [even if her fashion sense is still questionable]! I cut her original hands out of the CW wrists, heated her new wrists, and popped in her old hands with ease. Pink striped sleeves are disguising the color mismatch.Little Alison shows off to Little Bill, who will have arm replacement surgery on another day. She found a Bratz top, though, which she liked because it was cute AND sparkly, and she wanted to show it off. <3 <3All the stuff I didn’t use. HAH!