Well, all of my kidsies are equally cute, but Little Theo is the most recently finished, so she’s currently the most adorbz. Progress pics below.
She has a wonderful beaming smile, but I also wanted her to be yearning, wistful, and slightly anxious. At this stage in her life, she has been through a few foster homes, and she really wants a stable, loving family.For the record, I achieved this pink paint by using my eye white color as a base and mixing a very small amount of skintone plus a very small amount of red. Then I diluted it until it was basically slightly thick, colored water and applied in many thin coats. Tedious and boring as hell, but effective for a smooth result.The custom stalled for a few weeks while I tried to figure out how to put Little Theo’s head [which has a big neck hole] on her narrow neck. I eventually just lengthened the neck knob with heatmold plastic and dropped her head on. At this point, I was so sick of working on her that I abandoned my idea of a custom wig from crinkly black mohair. I made one from straight black faux fur instead.All done and wearing a sweatshirt originally made as a cell phone cover.