At long last, my BCS Third Doctor arrived on August 24th! I dithered about getting one, but I am getting the Delgado Master from BCS, and @natalunasans and I have commissioned custom sculpts of Jo, so I thought that I should really add the Doctor to complete the trio. It’ll be a long while before all my Three-era dolls [the Third Doctor, Delgado Master, Jo, and Galleia] are together, given that Delgado’s release is quite delayed. However, I’m pulling together what I can.
I began my customization by removing and selling the parts I wasn’t going to use. That included the head, which is a great likeness, but too serious for Three, who is a huge ham.The head, the accessories shown, the stand, the box, and the TARDIS interior backdrop were sold to fellow DW fan @drabriel.The Magister appropriated the opera coat instantly.The black opera coat, dark blue blazer, black tie, white frilly shirt, and black pants are screen-accurate, but FUCKING BORING. I substituted the black pants for some blue checked ones from @natalunasans. The blazer stains something fierce, so I also soaked it and wrung it out until it stopped leaching dye. I plan to add a daisy to the label [in reference to Three’s soliloquy about “the daisiest daisy” in The Time Monster] and exchange the black tie for one in light blue.BCS is also issuing more caricatured bobblehead versions of the Doctors. After a lot of squinting, speculating, and measuring, @natalunasans and I decided that the heads would be nearly the perfect size for 1:6 scale headsculpts. The slightly goofy expression, shown here in a screencap from the BCS site, has so much more expressiveness and personality. I have one on preorder, and that will be Three’s improved head.