Ethan feels the pull of the pink wig.It’s so pretty…
He cannot resist the power!Theo checks out her mask options.
“I bet I look good with long hair! Where’s a mirror?”“Hey, check it out! My hair turned pink!”“And you got new cat ears. That’s cool!”“Hmmm, what should I put on?”“How about this?”“Do I look spooky?”“Well, it’s more pretty than spooky…”Meghna [left] and Day [right] shop for treat buckets.“I like this one!”
“This one’s good too. It’s a classic.”
Silence always needs new notebooks.“Hey, check out this cool design.”“I’m waaaaaaatching yooooooou.”The black cat realizes that some customers have made terrible merchandise selections!He must remedy this immediately.He supplies one of the small humans with a much more suitable notebook.He shows her that it’s very aesthetically pleasing indeed.The two other small humans have treat baskets that need improvement.Fortunately, the black cat knows just what to give them.These are far superior.The small humans enjoy their substitutes.The black cat purrs contentedly. Yes, everything is better with cats on it.Night likes to pretend she’s a knight or something. “An odd-looking blade, truly…”“But perhaps it may help me to defeat yon foe!”“I challenge thee, varlet!”“Fight me, knave!”Allison, who is not Night’s foe at all, looks up from the dolls. “Hah hah hah, I don’t think Jedis are supposed to talk medieval like that.”“Hmmm, what can I use to defend myself?”“Ah hah!”“You don’t mind if I borrow this, right?”“Nyah nyah nyah, come and get me!”A spirited duel ensues…
…But is soon ended when the duelists get tired.“Phew, we’d better save some energy for trick or treating.”“Good idea.”