Wave 4 of Rainbow High characters introduces my mostest favoritest character, Delilah Fields, a diffident creative writing major. She is an albino Black girl with a pale yellow palette. The spectacular shirtdress on the doll, as well as the cute daisies and bees in her accessories, attracted me. The character’s personality on the show [which is surprisingly cute for an extended doll advertisement] and her focus also got me.
The aforementioned amazing shirtdress. I also love her sparkly cat’s-eye glasses. Sadly her pale yellow duds on her pale body do her no favors.Even cuter in person, Delilah has delicately painted, deep pink lips, gold bee earrings, a bracelet with daisies on it, and sparkly daisy ponytail holders.
But…the thing is…I don’t do big-headed dolls. I immediately began to redo the character in true 1:6 scale, i.e., with a proportionate head. I also decided to use Delilah’s peach-colored body as a base for some mods. The short torso and arms on RH dolls bug me, so I removed the single jointed elbows for double-jointed Obitsu 24 elbows. I also cut the doll apart under the bust and added a torso joint with bend only. It’s actually the neck assembly from an Obitsu 24. Anyway, the Obitsu elbows lengthen the arms, while the Obitsu torso joint lengthens the torso, making them overall more proportionate…and more flexible too! As a bonus, the elbows match the best of the body!
Unmodded RH on the left, modded RH body on right. Besides the elbow and torso mods, Daisy Bee’s body also has my standard [messy] cuts to improve range of motion in the thighs.Daisy Bee started out as a Mattel Barbie Fashionista 91. She originally came with a glorious Afro, but…uh…I melted some of her hair in the back, so I redid her ‘do into a pompadour.I thought that the eye makeup was way too dark, as were the brows, so I removed them.Initially I thought that I would overpaint Daisy Bee’s eyes to make them huge, like Delilah’s. After I took the paint off, though, I wanted to experiment with happy eyes. I futzed around with the curvature of her eyes for a while, but then decided that her eyebrows were invisible, and left her as is.
And what became of Delilah? Well, I liked her look and her personality too much to let her go, so she joined Bubbles, my other RH doll. Actually Bubbles is a Shadow High doll, distinguished from the RH dolls by fantasy colors or greyscale skintones. Bubbles joined the small populations recently because I found her included bubblegum hilarious. She originally came in a two-pack with her twin Veronica and the original name of Naomi.
Natalunasans and I loved their style, though Naomi’s lumpy purple tweed outfit is a bust. We decided to have Goth dolls!
Anyway, Naomi became Bubbles, a crabby pastel Goth. I decided that she was a very stylized mannequin — the only way I could justify keeping her. As her counterpoint, Delilah joined her as a darker, more classic Goth with an innocent, dreamy personality. I plopped Delilah’s head on a generation 1 RH body. Those bodies only have neck swivel, no tilt, but that didn’t matter because Delilah’s a mannequin. She doesn’t need much articulation.
This is how I decided to improve on both Delilah and Daisy Bee, while complementing their hair and skintones. Picking up Delilah’s flower motif and the red of her lipstick, I dressed her in RH Daria Roselyn’s top and skirt. The lime green fishnets from SH Harley Limestone and the RH Mini Accessories Studio boots [Jade’s, I think] call back to her original lighter palette and provide some contrast with the dark top and skirt. As for Daisy Bee, she has Delilah’s shirtdress, Harley’s sequined tank top and shorts, SH Mara Pinkett’s boots, and all of Delilah’s accessories except the bracelets. No idea where the pink overshirt came from, but adding some deeper saturation to Daisy Bee retains her light and floral feeling while also keeping her from washing out.Two kinds of Goth. Oh yeah…also I gave Delilah a haircut too!And here’s a pic of Delilah’s counterpart Bubbles being a little shit, as usual. I cut her hair. She is wearing SH Veronica’s earrings, a Mattel Barbie dress, and Harley’s boots.