Default Jasmine fan. I love this expression, both confused and UP TO SOME SHIT.Details of poseability mods. Marking where to cut down wrist sockets.After cutting down, the wrist has better flexion.Toon SIlencitx’s outfit has several layers of fabric around the hip joints, so I decided to see how high I could make the sockets for deepest flexion. Yeah, these are pretty sloppy. I did smooth them out somewhat after I took this pic, but not perfectly. No one is going to see this.Well shit! Lookit that! She can practically touch her toes.Showing off modded wrists, elbows, and thigh joints. I added some plastic wrap around the thigh balls to tighten the joints and make her stand more stably.Next few pictures show progress of her repaint. After erasing original brows, I sketched on new ones, along with eyebags and a stretchy smirk.Reduced forehead wrinkles and eyebags. Decided to go with duochrome lips, like she has in her other doll versions.Eyebrows darkened. Lips finished. Working on distinctive golden Saxon eyes.Overpainted irises even larger than they were originally. My use of irregular spots of gold and brown is intentional.Toon Silencitx’s hair is made out of hot pink FlowerSoft. Her shirt and vest were made for male action figures. Her jeans were made for Mattel Ken. Shoes are from MGA Rainbow High Jade. She’s about 16 in this form.