Trying to avoid bad weather projected for July 3 [my original arrival date], I hopped on a plane a few days early and arrived at @natalunasans house on July 1st. My flight left Burlington International Airport at 7:30 PM and arrived in Charlotte at 9:50 PM. With lots of traffic in the passenger pickup lanes, @natalunasans took a while to find me and rescue me from the airport, so I didn’t get to bed until about midnight.
I’m staying in the guest bedroom on the second floor. It’s also her husband’s study, so he has his few favorite dolls on display.

I took some detail shots of my favorite dolls of his. The one in the purple dress is a Mattel Haunted Beauty Mistress of the Mansion Barbie. I love her exuberantly ruffly dress, her ring of keys, and the book Life in the Scream House [referring to Barbie’s Dream House]. The one with purple hair is a Jun Planning J-Doll, one of a series representing fashions in cities around the world. I believe she is Picasso Street West. Her frilly, mismatched layers are wonderful.

Some more shots of dolls I found interesting.

EDITED TO ADD: I got some detail shots of Petworks Ruruko Vampire Girl. Cute kid. Looks like Momoko’s younger sibling. I wouldn’t mind having one in my collection of kidsies if they weren’t so expensive.

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Unknown Doll: Cat is a Sekiguchi/Petworks Odeco; Unknown Doll: Not Cat is a Sekiguchi/Petworks Ruruko (Momoko’s sister)
I see a few pieces of doll clothes I made!