We hit a few stores that I don’t have up in Vermont, including Books A Million, Five Below, and Big Lots, this morning. At Big Lots, I picked up one set of Super Impulse Sugar Buzz minis in minis. Surprisingly, I got two options that will look great in my snack and sweet shop, even if I think Necco wafers are repulsive: Necco wafers and Mentos, both decently detailed and scaled for 1:6 scale.
At Five Below, I picked up a Mattel BTS Jimin doll for $5.00 just for the outfit. I have a Mattel Barbie Princess of South Africa doll on an articulated Mattel Barbie Looks body that @natalunasans assures me will look striking in that suit!
@natalunasans gave me a Kenner Bride of Frankenstein [on left in first pic] and a ThreeZero Michonne [character from The Walking Dead, on right in third pic. I hope to move the Bride onto a matching body and make her Fay Pompion, an original character who’s a voice actor and self-styled scream queen. The ThreeZero Michonne got a dress, yarn wig, and bright orange slides from @natalunasans stash. I think her name is Petra.

No visit to @natalunasans would be complete without homage paid to the resident miaou–named Gatin, but also addressed as “Miaou.” He is a lean and fuzzy old gentleman of indeterminate age who wandered in @natalunasans front door one day and decided to make his home with her and her husband. He has very dapper white socks and, at this age, a squint that makes him look crotchety, even though he isn’t. He has a scratchy meow.

EDITED TO ADD: I had a late-night addition to my small populations today in the form of a Mattel Barbie Signature Yara Shahidi head on a Mattel Curvy Made To Move body, with clothes from @natalunasans stash. The Barbie Signature version came out in 2020.
Interestingly, this year Mattel debuted another Yara Shahidi headsculpt, this time of her as Tinker Bell in the live-action Disney movie Peter and Wendy. @natalunasans has both headsculpts [the earlier of which she gave to me], so I took some photos of the Signature sculpt compared to the Tinker Bell sculpt.
Both Signature and Tinker Bell look similar, as if from the same family, but there are notable differences. The Signature headsculpt has a open-mouth smile, while the Tinker Bell headsculpt’s mouth is closed. The Signature headsculpt also has rounded, human ears, while the Tinker Bell headsculpt has pointed elf ears.

While I worked on the projects discussed above, @natalunasans pursued her own. She painted some doughnuts from one of the MGA Make It Mini resin craft sets. She used a fluorescent rainbow of dimensional paint and added sprinkles to those she kept for herself. The doughnuts in the box are for me.
She also worked on a Glitter Girls kitchen set from a cooking show. The back wall came with orangey pink tiles, so she recolored some tiles in a variety of jelly-bean hues. We think the result looks more playful and also appropriate to the preferences of her and her dolls!

EDITED TO ADD 2: Toon Ethan got a new shirt from the same maker of the shirt that went on my Mattel Signature Yara Shahidi doll. It’s brightly patterned and very comfy, perfect for him!