Silence has an older brother Truth. Because he’s six years older, he’s not usually part of the dorklets’ adventures. He is, however, very much like them in spirit.
I didn’t have any versions of Silence’s older brother in doll form up until now, but then I got an adorable Mattel Ricky head from Lyrajean. Ricky was a short-lived boy doll created as a friend for Mattel Barbie’s younger sister Skipper. He was only made for two years, and he looks like Mattel Allan, only younger.
Well, I moved the head onto a hybrid body made from the torso and arms of a Mattel Creatable World doll with hands from an unknown child action figure, pelvis, upper thighs, and feets from an Obitsu 24 body, and legs from a Spin Master Liv doll. I painted the hair gold to approximate a blond color and the eyes sort of hazel and dressed him in a Creatable World shirt, a pair of Barbie leggings that Lyrajean gave me, and Creatable World boots. I really wish that he bent better at the elbows, so I might work on that later, but he’s done for now. I did not intend to make any other Hardshippers to accompany Mini Silencitx and Mini Ethancitx, but I now have Mini Truthlet, who’s somewhere between 10 and 14 years old.
Truth in all his forms is a huge computer nerd, so Mini Truthlet shows off his computing magazines, which I made this week from scans of actual vintage computing periodicals from the late 1970s and early 1980s, reduced to 1:6 scale. He also shows off his computer [played by a Mattel Barbie Magic Moves windup toy, just like the camcorder], his various TVs, robots, and his other electronics…and, because he’s kind of a weird kid, his favorite snacks.
Most of this set accurately represents what might be in a kid’s room in the early to mid 1980s…with one exception. The pump-action squirt gun that Mini Silencitx is sneaking around with is inspired by the Super Soaker, which didn’t hit the market until 1990. I don’t care. It’s instantly recognizable as a squirt gun, unlike some of my other 1:6 scale weapons.

aaaaa the magazines came out amazing
Sneaking around…..