Today I finally finished my Toon Day 2.0. They now have their fur wig in the proper color for their long messy hair.

I also gathered all the toon Hardshippers for a group portrait since the project is finally finished. I was originally inspired to start this project by the release of the Disney ILY 4ever dolls just over a year ago. I thought I would make cartoony representations of the dorklets at an age slightly older than their realistic dorklet doll versions.
Originally all dolls were supposed to be based on Disney ILY4ever dolls in both headsculpt and body, but only Toon Silence, Toon Truth, Toon Meghna, Toon Allison, and Toon Night ended up having headsculpts from the Disney ILY 4ever line. Two others have Disney character headsculpts: Toon Ethan [a heavily customized Disney Store Naveen] and Toon Theo [a Mattel Singing Asha from Wish]. Toon Day has a Soom Uyoo headsculpt, and the Toon Magister has an original sculpt from a scaled-up HeroForge tabletop gaming miniature.
In terms of bodies, only Toon Meghna, Toon Allison, Toon Night, and Toon Theo [well, her top half at least] ended up with Disney ILY 4ever bodies. Toon Silence has a curvy Mattel Made to Move Barbie body. The Toon Magister and Toon Ethan have generic clones of Hot Toys narrow-shoulder male action figure bodies. Toon Truth has an Obitsu Slender Male body. Toon Day has an Obitsu 24 female body with the new design.
In case it’s not obvious, the back row, from left to right, shows the Toon Magister, Toon Silence, Toon Ethan, Toon Truth, and Toon Meghna. The front row, from left to right, shows Toon Theo, Toon Allison, Toon Night, and Toon Day. They’re all hanging out in Big Day’s plant room because that set had the space for a group shot.