Now that I have two mini dorklet sibling pairs [Mini Silencitx & Mini Truthlet and Mini Ethancitx & Mini Meghna], they demanded a sleepover…even though Mini Silencitx and Mini Ethancitx don’t always get along.
Mini Silencitx may be a little asshole, but she’s right about gumdrops. They’re very waxy. :C
That’s Mini SIlencitx with the blond braid and the Hardship shirt, Mini Truthlet in yellow, Mini Ethancitx in silver and rainbow stripes, and Mini Meghna with the braid and jean jacket.
The set is one that I’ve never used for photostories before. It’s the sweet and snack shop that lives on one of my bookshelves in the living room.

but will the promise be kept?
All those sweets will rev them up, and then lookout…maybe a dust-up?
When my mother (your grandmother) took us grocery shopping at Graves market, the reward for good behavior was often Animal Crackers.