Certain toon Hardshippers were updated this weekend with items from a recent shipment of Disney ILY4ever dolls and fashion packs.

The two photos on the left show Toon Clarity, who shows up in “The Witch’s Apprentice” as Silence’s bully and cousin. She’s also a Landlords and Lawyers Saxon with a slumlord dad and badly controlled water magic of her own. In this doll version, she’s older, obviously, Toon Silence’s age. She’s pretending to be a badass, but she really isn’t.
The base doll and the dress come from the Disney ILY4ever Snow White fan. I’m not sure why it’s called a Snow White fan when the colors and iconography refer to the Evil Queen. Anyway, I really like her Gothed-out dress with fishnet sleeves, although I trimmed it down into a top. I also like the heart-and-key earrings and the heart-and-dagger bracelet. I put her hair up in a high ponytail, but I might cut it in the future. I also added the moto-style jacket, purple denim shorts, and boots from the Disney ILY4ever Sleeping Beauty fashion pack. [It should really be the Maleficent fashion pack.] She’s wearing glasses from the Disney ILY4ever Mirabel fan fashion pack. I love the glasses in the Disney ILY4ever line of fashion dolls and outfits. They all have different shapes and actual lenses, plus brightly colored frames.
The rightmost picture shows all those toon Hardshippers who have received upgrades this weekend from the Disney ILY4ever shipment. Toon Ethan got a headband from the Mirabel fashion pack. Toon Day got an expanded cranium made of heatmold plastic, a new fur wig, and a headband from the Sleeping Beauty Maleficent fashion pack. Toon Meghna got glasses from the Snow White Evil Queen doll and the outfit from the Tiana fan doll [not shown]. Toon Clarity got a whole damn doll!