Exploring the moon [pie]!
These pictures took a lot of compositing. First I took pictures of a Moon Pie from different angles. Then I used Daz Studio to render a sky from deep space. Then I took pictures of dorklets in various poses. Then I took each layer into Adobe Photoshop Elements and pasted them together, with the help of motion blur and Gaussian blur to imply motion and distance.
Note dorklets’ body language in the first shots. Little Allison [with sun and moon on her jacket] and Little Theo [in white sweatshirt] are holding hands because they are BESTEST friends. Little Meghna [in rainbow-striped shirt] has her arm around Ethancitx [in Hello Kitty shirt] because she’s keeping an eye on her younger b[r]other. Little Night [with long red hair] is reassuring her little sibling Little Day [in polka-dotted sweatshirt]. Silencitx is out in front blazing a trail!
In the next pictures Little Meghna is doing cartwheels because she likes gymnastics and other full-body sports.

Very cute, you are using real (NOT AI) intelligence.
Little Meghna’s cartwheel is 10/10!
I like the way motion is depicted by Meghna’s cartwheeling!
How did they get to be on this huge moon pie? That’s a whole other story, huh?
this is REALLY trippy !
and i like how the um … shipping damage adds to the environmental feel of the land