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1:6 scale Venus flytraps!

1:6 scale Venus flytraps! published on No Comments on 1:6 scale Venus flytraps!

I constructed Little Day magicked some Venus flytraps, and they’re so proud of themself!

These lovely Venus flytraps are part of a kit sold by Jade Doe. I met her in person last October at a craft fair and farmer’s market in Colorado Springs, and I was thrilled to see that she did cut-paper plants in 1:6 scale. Naturally my dolls needed Venus flytraps, so I purchased the kit and only now got around to doing part of it.

The kit contained ten precut green stems and twenty precut red pieces for the “mouths” to be glued inside the “jaws” on each stem. I finished five stems, coloring them with reference to pictures of actual Venus flytraps. The artist gave instructions to put all ten stems in a small pot that she provided in the kit. However, I thought that the flytraps looked overcrowded, so I used some terra cotta pots I already had, filling most of them with tin foil and then gluing a layer of kinetic sand [from MGA’s Miniverse plants sets] on top of that, stabbing a hole in the foil with scissors, and wedging the plant stems in.

I have filled my quota of 1:6 scale Venus flytraps, so I’ll pass along the remaining ones to another doll lover. Meanwhile I’m thinking of sticking a fly or two in one of them!

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