Are they standing in awe or staging an intervention?
Continue reading “Look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair — for I am the Master of Gelatin!”Posts categoriezed as 2023
Dorklets Little Night and Little Day in…Gingerbread Architecture!
I’ve been working since yesterday on two gingerbread houses. Both are miniature kits from MGA’s Make It Mini series of resin crafts holiday series. @natalunasans gave me three gingerbread houses, so I felt free to go wild with at least two of them. Each gingerbread house kit came with a snap-together house, gumdrops, white cream squirts, and white resin icing. I used ingredients from other kits to enhance my houses.
I thought that Night and Day would each decorate their gingerbread house according to their interests. Night would make a Gothy haunted Halloween house. Day would make a nursery — or “nrsre,” as they spell it creatively.
After I finished Day’s “nrsre” and got about halfway through Night’s haunted house, I decided to do a photostory of them making at least one of the houses. I had to use my extra gingerbread house, toppings, and mini shoebox [the brown-painted base for each house] to fill in for some of the earlier steps in construction.
Someone can’t be trusted around all the candy!! :O
Continue reading Dorklets Little Night and Little Day in…Gingerbread Architecture!Dorklets Mini Silencitx and Mini Truthlet in…My Older Bother I!
Mini Silencitx is a smartass…
Continue reading Dorklets Mini Silencitx and Mini Truthlet in…My Older Bother I!Mini dorklets Mini Silencitx and Mini Truthlet in…Chekhov’s Squirt Gun II!
The riveting drama continues!
Continue reading Mini dorklets Mini Silencitx and Mini Truthlet in…Chekhov’s Squirt Gun II!Mini dorklets Mini Silencitx and Mini Truthlet in…Chekhov’s Squirt Gun I!
Silence has an older brother Truth. Because he’s six years older, he’s not usually part of the dorklets’ adventures. He is, however, very much like them in spirit.
I didn’t have any versions of Silence’s older brother in doll form up until now, but then I got an adorable Mattel Ricky head from Lyrajean. Ricky was a short-lived boy doll created as a friend for Mattel Barbie’s younger sister Skipper. He was only made for two years, and he looks like Mattel Allan, only younger.
Well, I moved the head onto a hybrid body made from the torso and arms of a Mattel Creatable World doll with hands from an unknown child action figure, pelvis, upper thighs, and feets from an Obitsu 24 body, and legs from a Spin Master Liv doll. I painted the hair gold to approximate a blond color and the eyes sort of hazel and dressed him in a Creatable World shirt, a pair of Barbie leggings that Lyrajean gave me, and Creatable World boots. I really wish that he bent better at the elbows, so I might work on that later, but he’s done for now. I did not intend to make any other Hardshippers to accompany Mini Silencitx and Mini Ethancitx, but I now have Mini Truthlet, who’s somewhere between 10 and 14 years old.
Truth in all his forms is a huge computer nerd, so Mini Truthlet shows off his computing magazines, which I made this week from scans of actual vintage computing periodicals from the late 1970s and early 1980s, reduced to 1:6 scale. He also shows off his computer [played by a Mattel Barbie Magic Moves windup toy, just like the camcorder], his various TVs, robots, and his other electronics…and, because he’s kind of a weird kid, his favorite snacks.
Most of this set accurately represents what might be in a kid’s room in the early to mid 1980s…with one exception. The pump-action squirt gun that Mini Silencitx is sneaking around with is inspired by the Super Soaker, which didn’t hit the market until 1990. I don’t care. It’s instantly recognizable as a squirt gun, unlike some of my other 1:6 scale weapons.
Continue reading Mini dorklets Mini Silencitx and Mini Truthlet in…Chekhov’s Squirt Gun I!Big Night and Big Day [and a guest] in…The Plant Room 03!
“Do you know this guy?”
“Nah, I thought he was your friend.”
I finished potting all of the plants from MGA Make It Mini Lifestyle series. I had an extra hanging planter so I added a totally tentacular vine made of pipe cleaners. The sneaky hungry capybara is accurately scaled and a gift from @natalunasans.
Continue reading Big Night and Big Day [and a guest] in…The Plant Room 03!Mini dorklets in…Sweet Pizza III!
Mini Silencitx and Mini Ethancitx make and eat their sweet pizzas.
Continue reading Mini dorklets in…Sweet Pizza III!Mini dorklets in…Sweet Pizza II!
Mini Silencitx and Mini Ethancitx clean up.
Continue reading Mini dorklets in…Sweet Pizza II!Mini dorklets in…Sweet Pizza I!
Mini dorklets Silencitx [blond] and Ethancitx [black hair] get a brilliant idea!
Continue reading Mini dorklets in…Sweet Pizza I!Two dorklets and the Elder Witches in…Caramel Apples!
The Stylist offers to help Little Night and Little Day make caramel apples. The suggestion is dramatically vetoed. Everyone acts sarcastic and silly. Then they eat caramel.
This pointless story is brought to you by MGA Make It Mini Halloween series 1 minis and my deep antipathy against Granny Smith apples.
Continue reading Two dorklets and the Elder Witches in…Caramel Apples!Big Day in…The Plant Room 02!
Big Day prepares a pot and magics a plant into it. [Day has plant powers!]
Continue reading Big Day in…The Plant Room 02!Big Day in…The Plant Room 01!
This is the grownup version of Day the dorklet in their plant room. [They have plant powers.] Check out the details!
I arranged this set in the righthand side of my desk. The lefthand side of the desk, as you can see in the first photo, has my much-used sales counter, but it’s not part of Day’s plant room.
Continue reading Big Day in…The Plant Room 01!Mini dorklets Mini Silencitx and Mini Ethancitx in…RC Kitty Car!
Mini Silencitx is reading when a kitty car drives past! It’s Mini Ethancitx’s latest toy!
RC kitty car is played by a Polly Pocket car with a mini articulated figure and accompanying pet cat. Thanks for the car, @natalunasans! The human figure is articulated at shoulders and hips, and both it and the cat wedge perfectly into the car. I love the kitty details on the car, especially the ears forming the rear-view mirrors…and the little tail in back. The antenna on the RC car is played by a sewing pin.
Continue reading Mini dorklets Mini Silencitx and Mini Ethancitx in…RC Kitty Car!The Elder Witches in…The Magister’s Sundae V!
The Magister finally does what he originally intended to do and makes a sundae for him and his spouses.
Continue reading The Elder Witches in…The Magister’s Sundae V!Little Day and the Magister in…The Magister’s Sundae IV!
Little Day picks flowers and doesn’t want any ice cream.
Little Night and the Magister in…The Magister’s Sundae III!
Little Night experiences the natural consequences of her actions: cleaning up the mess and…getting a bowl of ice cream?!
Continue reading Little Night and the Magister in…The Magister’s Sundae III!Little Night in…The Magister’s Sundae II!
Okay, well, it’s not the Magister’s sundae yet because Little Night wants some ice cream. Unfortunately it gets away from her…
Continue reading Little Night in…The Magister’s Sundae II!The Elder Witches in…The Magister’s Sundae I!
I’ve got all of the ingredients for the Magister to make a sundae for his spouses the Stylist and the Hippie, so here he goes. We start with a detailed look at his kitchen.
The Elder Witches are over 375 years old, so I figure that the Magister has accumulated his favorite kitchen tools and appliances over time. My enthusiasm for tin lithographed toys coincides with the Magister’s affection for certain antique cooking tools. His stove is a child’s toy electric stove from the 1930s by Pretty Maid. The main kitchen unit is a Marx Toys child’s toy kitchen from the 1950s or 1960s. The chest freezer is an Ohio Art recipe card holder from the 1950s. Mini vintage appliances, an antique radio, and canned goods made with antique labels add to a sense of anachronism.
Continue reading The Elder Witches in…The Magister’s Sundae I!Toon Silence and Toon Ethan in…Walking on the Waterfront!
Toon Silence [who recently got a Mattel Made To Move Curvy body with great articulation] and Toon Ethan went for a walk this afternoon. Enjoying the low humidity [after days of gross air-moisture levels, interspersed with gross amounts of rain], they sauntered along the edge of Lake Champlain on the Burlington Bike Path. They were going to pull snacks out of their ridiculous bags and eat them, but I decided against it.
Continue reading Toon Silence and Toon Ethan in…Walking on the Waterfront!At @natalunasans house, July 4: The Spymaster and Ruth Doctor eating bentos [with a special guest appearance from the mini citxs!]
In the semi-sequel to my earlier bento box photostory featuring Toon Silence and Toon Ethan, two of @natalunasans dolls eat the other two bentos I have. Her characters are custom 1:6 scale figures of two Doctor Who characters, Ruth Doctor [with red and black locs] and the Spymaster [with cane].
The cat is a gachapon miniature of a cat posed as the subject in Edvard Munch’s painting The Scream. I just put it in there to be silly and puzzle the characters.
Continue reading At @natalunasans house, July 4: The Spymaster and Ruth Doctor eating bentos [with a special guest appearance from the mini citxs!]At @natalunasans house, July 3: Toon Silence and Toon Ethan eating bentos
Probably the most extensive treatment of these Rement bento box lunches that I will ever produce, this photostory features Toon Silence and Toon Ethan having lunch. I imagine that this scene takes place in the courtyard of Hardship High. Weird plants are played by a plastic landscaping piece for use in an aquarium.
Continue reading At @natalunasans house, July 3: Toon Silence and Toon Ethan eating bentosDorklets Mini Silencitx and Mini Ethancitx in…Ginny’s Gym 04!
Two recently finished mini dorklets, Mini Silencitx and Mini Ethancitx, go to the playground with Missy, Mini Silencitx’s mom, accompanying them. Oh no! Traffic jam on the slide!
Continue reading Dorklets Mini Silencitx and Mini Ethancitx in…Ginny’s Gym 04!Dorklets Silencitx and Ethancitx in…Ginny’s Gym 03!
In the second part of today’s Ginny’s Gym photostory, Ginny’s Gym barely makes an appearance. Instead Silencitx and Ethancitx take a walk, have a drink of water, and [for once!] cooperate reasonably well.
The highly detailed water bottle would work better as a small water bottle for 1:4 scale, but it also functions as a large water bottle for a 1:6 scale kidsy. I have three with similar cartoony characters — Japanese gachapon, of course! — on display in my toy store. Ethancitx’s doll is a figure that I used to play with [and chew on the legs of] when I was a kid. Fun fact: At one point I had a hairstyle, shirt, pants, and shoes that matched this doll pretty well.
Continue reading Dorklets Silencitx and Ethancitx in…Ginny’s Gym 03!Dorklets Little Allison and Little Theo in…Ginny’s Gym 02!
Little Allison [left] and Little Theo [right] went out to my front porch today and played on Ginny’s Gym, which I got from the Sturbridge doll show last weekend. This story also features Torie [reading], Zenaidion [drinking], Henrietta [swinging], and Bell [pushing swing].
Sadly, the glider swing does not fit Little Theo’s butt. It accommodates the narrow thighs of an Obitsu 24 [source of Little Allison’s hips], but not those of a Rainbow High doll [source of Little Theo’s body].
Continue reading Dorklets Little Allison and Little Theo in…Ginny’s Gym 02!Dorklets Silencitx and Ethancitx in…Ginny’s Gym 01!
Dorklets Silencitx and Ethancitx explore Ginny’s Gym.
I picked up this fabulous swingset from the Sturbridge doll show I mentioned earlier. It was $75.00 and in perfect condition, with original packaging and instructions! It’s made for 8″ Ginny dolls, and it’s from 1955 [!]. The dorklets are between 8 and 10″, but they’re determined to have fun with it anyway. I mean — how often do you find a decent 1:6 scale playground?!
Continue reading Dorklets Silencitx and Ethancitx in…Ginny’s Gym 01!Sturbridge Doll, Bear, and Miniature Show 06/03-06/05/2023
Drove across the state to Lyrajean’s new condo on Saturday, June 3rd, and spent the night. We left very early on the 4th for Sturbridge, MA, and the doll/teddy/miniature show at the Sturbridge Host Hotel. We took about two and a half hours to get there. We turned around and had a late lunch on the way back and arrive around dinner time back at Lyrajean’s house.
Continue reading Sturbridge Doll, Bear, and Miniature Show 06/03-06/05/2023The Stylist, Ketch, Brocedony, and Missy in…Goblin Market Adventures 03!
The odd customer comes back to the deli counter of the Goblin Market, puzzling everyone.
For those of you who haven’t memorized everyone’s names, Ketch is reading Lettuce Do It! The Stylist is wearing rainbow stripes. Brocedony is pushing a shopping cart. Missy is holding a shopping basket.
I made Lettuce Do It! with a graphic from an old produce crate for lettuce. The woman looked WAY too excited just to be thinking about leaves…
Continue reading The Stylist, Ketch, Brocedony, and Missy in…Goblin Market Adventures 03!Missy and Ketch in…Goblin Market Adventures 02!
Ketch has a surreal experience behind the deli counter of the Goblin Market with a weird customer. Missy witnesses.
The grocery store set continues to improve, this time with more posters behind the deli counter and magnets that are better scaled for 1:6 scale.
I made all the cookbook covers myself using graphics from vintage/antique canned food labels and fruit/vegetable crate labels.
Continue reading Missy and Ketch in…Goblin Market Adventures 02!Toon Silence and Toon Ethan in…Goblin Market Adventures 01!
Couldn’t wait to show off my grocery store in progress, so I incorporated the mess into a photostory. Sadly the mess thwarts Silence and Ethan, who are 16 and 18, respectively, but still interested in mischief!
Continue reading Toon Silence and Toon Ethan in…Goblin Market Adventures 01!The dorklets in…Little Allison’s Sleepover IX!
Little Night, Ethancitx, and Little Allison show off their sticker albums and make some swaps. This is just an excuse to show off the sticker albums that I designed [front and back covers and inner covers], constructed, and filled with stickers according to the owners’ personalities. It’s also an excuse to show off some adorable stickers [the sheets that the dorklets are trading] in my small collection.
Continue reading The dorklets in…Little Allison’s Sleepover IX!The dorklets in…Little Allison’s Sleepover VIII!
Little Night and Little Day arrive with their sticker book! [They share one.] Little Allison and Ethancitx whip out their sticker books too! We get to see Little Night and Little Day’s sticker collections.
Continue reading The dorklets in…Little Allison’s Sleepover VIII!The dorklets in…Little Allison’s Sleepover VII!
Ethancitx and Little Meghna show up with their luggage and 847 gallons of nail polish. Nail polish time!!
Continue reading The dorklets in…Little Allison’s Sleepover VII!The dorklets in…Little Allison’s Sleepover VI!
Little Allison and Little Theo prepare Little Theo’s sleeping bag and then read. Then Silencitx shows up with a huge amount of luggage and candy! I made the Headbones packages myself. The Headbones candy is played by beads.
Continue reading The dorklets in…Little Allison’s Sleepover VI!The dorklets in…Little Allison’s Sleepover V!
The sleepover series continues into a new year as Little Allison and Little Theo clean up Little Allison’s room in prep for the sleepover. Whoops! They get distracted by a comic book! Continue reading The dorklets in…Little Allison’s Sleepover V!