Later we three returned to Tech Park. The Spymaster, owned by @natalunasans, discovered a tree root that looked like a butt [hur hur hur] and pointed it out to his student Xeni, also owned by @natalunasans. She overplayed her shock and accusations that he was being cringe because…well…it really did look like a butt.
Continue reading Back at Tech Park: The Spymaster, Xeni, and the Butt Tree — also some majestic shots of the MagisterBack at Tech Park: The Spymaster, Xeni, and the Butt Tree — also some majestic shots of the Magister
Back at Tech Park: The Spymaster, Xeni, and the Butt Tree — also some majestic shots of the Magister published on Read more posts by the author of Back at Tech Park: The Spymaster, Xeni, and the Butt Tree — also some majestic shots of the Magister, ModernWizard1 Comment on Back at Tech Park: The Spymaster, Xeni, and the Butt Tree — also some majestic shots of the Magister