La tete de la poupee de Frank arrived at Rinkya today, so I requested EMS shipment. It should go out next Thursday. Curses. I will have no BJD or BJD parts to show off at the Burlington doll meet on February 11th. My first [and last — canceling Rinkya account after Frank arrives safely] experience with a deputy auction service has been fast, smooth and painless so far, but apparently not fast enough for the deepest part of myself that craves instant gratification.
I can’t wait for Jareth to arrive. No, seriously, I have great trouble waiting. My internal monolog runs around in my head, going, “IwantmydollIwantmydollIwantmydoll…” Though I go to work, do my other hobbies [yes, I do have those], prepare for said doll’s arrival and otherwise try to alleviate my obsessive impatience, it will not go away. It’s not that I’m particularly worried about the doll’s mods or that it’s taking too long; it’s just that I don’t have it yet and I want it.