Jennifer and I hopped on the T this morning. I had my camera in my jacket, and she carried her sketchbook and pencil in her duffel bag. We rode on the T to the Central Burying Ground in Boston Common…
Can you identify what she’s wearing on her head?
I love her wig! Did you make it?
Actually, I did — cap = plastic wrap, tape and hot glue. Hair = yarn hot glued on. Hot glue is my bestest friend.
Wow! I may have to try that .
Is that an acorn cap as her beret?
She’s beautiful. I adore the wig and that little acorn beret is cute. Which doll is she?
Yes, it’s an acorn beret! Zeo wins the prize! And Jennifer is a Soom Uyoo.
I just bought a tiny! Seeing these photos make me excited to get her soon, I’m going to love her size. They didn’t have any small adult-proportioned BJDs when I bought mine ^_^
Wow! She looks gorgeous! I really like the wig… and yourinnovative way of constructing it. That is a seriously hot coat she’s got too. The quality looks fantastic. Perfect for a little seetheart sexy muffin like Jennifer.