Like the subject line says, the Doll More Bella Auden body hit the States yesterday. Armeleia took several photos, notable for the alarming skinniness of the Bella neck, especially in comparison with the extremely broad Yukinojo head. Pre-op photos [appropriate for April Fool’s] below.
Aimee comments, “For the actual mods, to make the head fit, I think the neck would have to be lengthened as well as widened. Frank’s head has a very deep neckhole, so it sort of swallows up poor little Bella’s neck. … I think perhaps adding onto her breasts will make her chest look broad enough to go with that head. But I’m not sure.”
I agree. Bella is a scrawny gal up top, in terms of neck, shoulders and arms. Adding more width and length to the neck is required. It will also make Frank’s head look much better by putting it in the correct position [not too low, not too high].
While neck mods will drastically improve Frank, even simple cosmetic changes help smooth over the size problems. In my opinion, he looks much better with hair…
Reassured by the vast improvement thanks to the wig, I told Armeleia to forge on with neck mods. After increasing the length and girth of the neck, she will show me how he looks, and we will see if he needs breast enhancement to balance out his swelled head.
EDIT: A slightly more glamorous shot, without mods, but with hair:
I do like that wig.
Teehee, Frank looks like a Lishe with that skinny neck! I have complete faith in armeleia’s ability to make Franks head and body look good together:D