If you know me, you know my enduring interest in capturing Jareth’s likeness in doll form. I think I’ve done satisfactorily in the 1:3 department, but the 1:6 version has always eluded me. I’m getting closer to a great 1:6 interpretation of Jareth. He’s a repainted head from a Toy Biz Galadriel doll on an Obitsu slim male body, modified to accept Cy Girl bootfeet. He’s wearing a blouse from a Dreams & Legends Miss Fear doll and pants from a Blue Box Cy Girl Jet, along with a pendant that I made. He may or may not be done. Not sure…
I always thought the dolls of galadrial looked a bit manly. He looks really good!
I see it now… it could be Jareth. And to think I had no idea what you would do with it when I sent it to you…. Are you going to trim the hair a bit on top?
He looks awesome!
I’d suggest adding just a wee bit of liner to the upper eyelid to recreate Jareth’s look . . . oh, and his EYES match!! Shocker!! ;>
(I’ve always been fascinated with David Bowie’s mismatched eyes, although I’m admittedly a weirdo *grin*)
Seriously, though, DAMN, that’s a good facial shape match . . . it actually looks like the face was intended to *be* a David Bowie doll. Kudos for finding/creating such a perfect wee-Goblin-King!!
— A