Did you know that you can E-mail the US Dollmore dealer, order clothing and pay only US Priority s/h if you live in the US? Neato!
There’s a lot of sharing amongst my 1:3 crew. The 2 70 cms, Jareth and Frank, share pants. The 2 60 cms, Jennifer and Sardonix, can wear each other’s clothes, but have radically different styles. Since I have a lot of 60 cm shirts, skirts, dresses and socks, Jennifer, Sardonix and Frank share them. I would like to get Jennifer and Frank one or two basic pieces that are tailored specifically for them, though, hence the brainstorming below…
Black and white skirt and halter top set for Sardonix $41
Rumples Ribbon T in black for whoever fits in it $20
Blackguard set with shorts for Sardonix, of course $75
White and blue striped bellbottoms for Jennifer $21
Pinstripe pants with optional wrap skirt for Jennifer $29
Black zipper pants for Jennifer $28 **
Black Slim N Slim pants for Jennifer $20
Bra and underwear for Frank $24.5 **
Black jeans tailored especially for Frank $31
Light blue sneakers for Jennifer $6.65 **
1 Comment
I’ve got the Volks boy version of those pinstriped pants, and let me tell you, they are pretty damn swank. The pinstripes have the tinest, tinest amount of glitter or sheen to them; it’s perfect.