Not Doll Lab’s Miriam looks like their earlier release [EDIT: DollMore’s] Banji [translucent skin, round eyes, pursed lips], although larger and more mature. I like the sculpt, but the shallow cuts all over her body distract me. I can’t think about the aesthetic appeal of the doll or the paint job when I’m trying to wonder how someone would receive such wounds. I can only guess that she peeled off her pajamas and went sleepwalking through the raspberry canes, in which case the whole conceit appears silly, rather than edgy. Also…what the heck is that background…raisins on a sheepskin rug??
Banji is actually made by Dollmore, although the “cuts” are very reminiscent of the LE Tragic Banji
I wonder if Miriam is just the same sculpt as NDL/Roxydoll Pandora, as the face is similar (a grown up Lucy), or she’s a bigger doll again?
eeek. just…eeek
It reminds me a LOT of the . . . Tragic Princess? . . . from “13 Ghosts” . . . but, yeah, it’s not to my personal taste.
The doll herself, though, is very cute. I’d be tempted by Pandora (basically the same doll, maybe slightly different headsculpt) if she had more expressive hands — I like this size range, and she looks really cute dressed. Dollmore did a LE Pandora with fantastic eye makeup.
If the past is any guide, they’ll release a few LE Miriam’s and then sell her as a standard edition.
— A <3
I think she’s pretty, but yeah… the slices on her are distracting and off-putting. I don’t really care for guro, though I think it’s interesting to see the effect of the horror genre on the dollyworld. (I think more than the fact that she’s slice up, the bizarre placement of the cuts bothers me. I mean, WTF?)