I hope to get an Elfdoll Tiny Kai soon, 14cm of awesomeness, to be Waverley Parker. An unplanned character in the LHF universe, she will become a regular main character because, like Absinthe, I like her so much!
Since I do not know when I will be able to afford her, I content myself with thinking about Waverley’s room. For most of my 1:6 sets, I arrange a selection of my furniture, backdrops and decor, but this won’t work in Waverley’s case. Waverley is 1:6 for a person with her form of achondroplastic dwarfism, which means that she’s more like 1:3 scale in 1:6 scale. In other words, she is the 1:6 equivalent of a 60cm BJD’s height. Anyway, that means that, in absolute scale, she is more like 1:8 or even 1:12, much smaller than my 1:6ers.
So almost everything in Waverley’s room needs to be on Waverley’s scale, 1:8 or 1:12, except for a few items for her guests. I imagine that she has a 1:6 chair and some pillows for guests, but, as in a traditional Japanese house, she spends much of her time sitting on the floor. Nevertheless, I have been thinking about existing pieces of mine that I could use in her set:
- I have pillows and blankets for seating on the floor.
- Chow and Baozha have a low table that could double as Waverley’s.
- My ring box could work as a small end table.
- My Rement lamp [from the yellow dresser] would be the perfect scale to go on the end table.
- I have that pink tricorder that I can use as her computer.
- I have a cell phone that she can use.
- She can watch the Merry Strawberry TV.
- I have a small necklace box that could be a bed for her. It just needs padding.
- I’m sure she would use the mushroom and puzzle mats as throw rugs to keep the floor warm.
Rement offers plenty of accessories on the smaller side for Waverley’s use:
- Flirty Pink #3 has a nice little dresser.
- Merry Strawberry #4 has a little dresser with mirror and hairbrush, while #8 has a low table and a mat.
- Mushroom Paradise #7 has a little chair, while #8 has a shelf and a clock.
I know there’s a Rement set that has a low table… http://www.puchipetiteshop.com/product/165 I’m pretty sure I saw it at a local Japanese mart.
Let me look around in some of the stuff they have here abouts. !/12 is a very _very_ popular scale here so I may find a few things. LMK if there is anything in particular you really need/want to find for her?