My sister gave me some fragrant soaps in the shape of sushi for my birthday in the hopes that my dolls could use them. Junebug and Sardonix obliged.
J: "Elizabeth got sushi for her birthday, but she’s not going to eat it, so it’s ours."
J: "Look at all the different kinds. They all smell so good!"
S: "This one looks like a bouquet!"
S: "…And it tastes delicious."
OH YEAH IT WAS YOUR BIRTHDAY ON THE 5th. I’ll remember that, someday. Hope it was good!
And, I am a big duncecap for forgetting this x.x Please forgive. But I will have something nice for you
Work continues to be an argh, as well as some aspects of home life (problems with apt.). More soon as time permits. I hope this finds you well, I miss you.
Happy Birthday!!! Don’t you love it when people give you doll-sized propage? LOVE it!