Someone on MWD asked for dressed shots of Isabel posing, so here they are. Standard stuff, really. Insert your own witty captions here because I’m too tired to make them.

I really like the torso articulation she has, which I didn’t really detail in my discussion of her mods because it’s not really a mod. Because she’s strung from head to ankle posts, all her sections in between are essentially free-floating, kind of like beads on string. It’s only the tension in the elastic that keeps her bound together as a doll. Because the elastic has some give, I can separate sections of her body without completely breaking her apart. Thus I can pop her abdomen piece, for example, halfway out of its hip socket to help her distribute her weight better.
The ability to pop her torso joints comes in handy in these next few pictures, where Isabel crouches, leans, and otherwise does things that she would have tipped over from earlier.