I told Jareth he should be Krampus for the annual Christmas masquerade ball. Krampus, is, of course, a character in German folklore who’s kind of like the anti-Santa. He looks a lot like a stereotypical demon/devil/satyr, with horns, hooves, and tail. He also has an extremely long tongue. He has been known to rattle bunches of chains, whip misbehaving brats, hand out coal, chase women, and eat/drown/take to Hell children, although he apparently can be appeased with schnapps. Nice guy.
Jareth thought this was a great idea and came up with this costume:
Genesis 2 Female base figure. Lots of morphs are involved here, primarily my Red Planet Arachnid head morph, ported from Genesis with Dimension 3D’s GenX2 or whatever it’s called in this version. There is a small amount of my Jareth BJD head morph, which I made on the Michael 3 base with lots of help from Capsces’ Brom morphs. Ears from Thorne’s M4 Dryden and Daz G2F Anenome. Claws from ForbiddenWhispers and Fisty’s G2F Little Devil. Texture from ForbiddenWhispers and Fisty’s G2F Little Devil. StudioArtVartanian’s Gen1 Alpha Scalp and Luthbel’s G2M Horror Survivors Marius Beard for hair. Horns and tail from Daz’s G2F Succubus Add-Ons. Bovine legs from Daz G2F Creature Creator. EvilInnocence V4 Santa Hat, jacket and shorts from Xena and Sarsa’s Gen1 Magus, fabiana’s V4 Bonellusion. Shaders include vyktohria’s Simply Latex, Age of Armour and Dimension Theory’s Grass Shader [with MattyManx’s Make It Fuzzy presets], and probably GeorgeHaze’s Metals. Pose is clearly from some fashion/pinup pack, but I’ll be damned if I can remember. Let’s just call it The Sexy Ear Itch.I said that I was thinking less suave and sexy and more cadaverous and carnivorous:
Same as above, except with the addition of some of the G2M Wither HD morph by RawArt and a change of texture to Luthbel’s G2M Long Time Dead.