Testing out imaginary spacesuits in preparation for a trip to the moon.
Sources: Genesis 3 Female figure, previously discussed morphs and textures. RawArt’s G3F NoSuit for custom mat zones on the body. Helmet and balaclava from Sarsa’s G2F SciFi Sniper, arms and lower legs from shadowhawkone’s V4 RK Destiny Armor, converted with Valzheimer’s G3F Wear Them All clone shapes, backpack from shukky’s A3 Slim Spacesuit, leotard from Ed3DArt’s G3F Pinup Gynoid Phase 1, Decan’s Paint Shop shaders, pose from V4 Zero Gee Action, converted with Zev0’s pose converters, Collective3D’s super cool Sci Fi 1 Portrait Vignette for scenery, expression and lights by me.