I attended the NERDS Show to meet fellow doll fans and new dolls. I hoped that I would sell some stuff, preferably enough to break even, and maybe find some doll stuff to buy, but I didn’t really expect to. I was therefore happily surprised to a) offload some stuff I didn’t want and b) acquire some stuff that I did.
In terms of riddances, I sold a Sleeping Elf/Tinybear Bon Bon [$125.00] and a fur wig [$5.00]. I got rid of a pair of Dikadoll jointed hands in a sale [$30.00] + partial trade [wig]. That was more than enough to cover the expense of table and room rental [$35.00], and I even got a small chunk of change to put toward taxes.
In terms of acquisitions, I picked up two freebies: a leotard and a sparkly overskirt. The second will work for Isabel, but the first may not be adequately modifiable for her, though it will certainly fit a narrower 1:6 scale doll. No pictures.
I took pictures of my more exciting acquisitions.
![Keychain reproductions of classic Barbie and Ken models [$5.00], as I'm always on the lookout for dolls for dolls.](http://oddpla.net/modernwizard/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/40.jpg)

Lyrajean and I both enjoyed all aspects of the NERDS Show [except for getting lost in the inner circle of Hell Lowell]. Happily we had good driving weather, and we got along with each other in the car and at the table. As always, I loved chatting to other geeks who know the jargon, photoing their dolls, and watching how much attention my dolls received. Lyrajean and I even had a delicious [greasy] diner dinner on our way back home when we stopped at the Red Arrow Diner in Londonderry, NH. [A+ — would satisfy cravings for fat, fixin’s, and fun there again.] :d We’ve already been talking about next year’s attendance….
Good ideas that I should continue next year:
- Office supplies
- Signs!!
- Snacks
- Computer and extension cord
Things to do differently for next year:
- Lunch before con
- Request table by extension cord
- Seat cushion [folding chairs are unpadded
- Display or rack for sales items
- Different means [price stickers?] of showing prices
- Spread word of VTDL more aggressively
- Look in open studios if possible