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NERDS Show, Lowell, MA, 03/05/2016: Sacred Stones Studio, LuckyXIII’s dolls

NERDS Show, Lowell, MA, 03/05/2016: Sacred Stones Studio, LuckyXIII’s dolls published on No Comments on NERDS Show, Lowell, MA, 03/05/2016: Sacred Stones Studio, LuckyXIII’s dolls

The owners from Sacred Stones Studio in Connecticut were kind enough to give information about owner, maker, and sculpt for all their dolls, as well as credits for wigs, faceups, and outfits, not to mention character sketches for a significant number. Very entertaining! All information about Sacred Stones dolls comes directly from said signs.

Haru'kan Arata Ramiel, ancient god of thunder. Leekeworld Lion head [normal]. Dollzone 65cm body [normal yellow]. All clothing, aesthetics, wig, and eyes by Okami Kodamo.
Haru’kan Arata Ramiel, ancient god of thunder. Leekeworld Lion head [normal]. Dollzone 65cm body [normal yellow]. All clothing, aesthetics, wig, and eyes by Okami Kodomo.
Nifty palette, feather wig, and face painting!!
Wolfram, a spunky wolf all on his own in the great big world until he found Sebastian, whome he lives with and enjoys playing with. Wolfram is a Soom Tuff owned by Sarah.
Wolfram, a spunky wolf pup all on his own in the great big world until he found Sebastian, whom he lives with and enjoys playing with. Wolfram is a Soom Tuff owned by Sarah.


The Corpse Collector: a god of death, avid researcher of life. He is the groom to Vladimir and the son of the goddess of creation. The Corpse Collector is an Angell-Studio Baron Samedi looking for a body! Owned by Sarah.
The Corpse Collector: a god of death, avid researcher of life. He is the groom to Vladimir and the son of the goddess of creation. The Corpse Collector is an Angell-Studio Baron Samedi looking for a body! Owned by Sarah.


I’m curious about skullface dolls, so Baron Samedi interested me. Not sure what’s going on with the teeth in his lower jaw, though…
Hitoshi Kaze. Dragon on the wind -- spring. Or-doll Anderl head, Spiritdoll Elegance body. Faceup, tattooing, clothes, and eyes by Myrretah.
Hitoshi Kaze. Dragon on the wind — spring. Or-doll Anderl head, Spiritdoll Elegance body. Faceup, tattooing, clothes, and eyes by Myrretah.
Ranlith: vampire changeling, Tasmanian tiger. Immortlaity of Soul Hiro head, Soom Super Gem body. Faceup and clothes by Myrretah. Eyes by Okami Kodomo.
Ranlith: vampire changeling, Tasmanian tiger. Immortality of Soul Hiro head, Soom Super Gem body. Faceup and clothes by Myrretah. Eyes by Okami Kodomo.
Great autumnal palette and elongated eyes and lips. Accentuated mouth looks pre-Raphaelite to me.

Finally, here’s a selection of LuckyXIII’s dolls.

From left to right: Fairyland RealFee Pano [mint], Fairyland Minifee Karsh [tan]. Fairyland Minifee Siean Elf [white hair], Fairyland Minifee Karsh [blue hair], Fairyland RealFee Pano [tan]. Sitting on floor in front is Fairyland LittleFee Lewi.
From left to right: Fairyland RealFee Pano [mint], Fairyland Minifee Karsh [tan]. Fairyland Minifee Siean Elf [white hair], Fairyland Minifee Karsh [blue hair], Fairyland RealFee Pano [tan]. Sitting on floor in front is Fairyland LittleFee Lewi.


Granado Neptune employing Plasticmoon Mister Kitty as a "modesty cat." ^_^
Granado Neptune employing Plasticmoon Mister Kitty as a “modesty cat.” ^_^
Hilarious rawr face! I would love to get one, but they're no longer being made.
Hilarious rawr face! I would love to get one, but they’re no longer being made.

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