Sometimes I find things in the Daz catalog that translate with little alteration into Jareth’s aesthetic. Case in point below.

100% of people [i.e., me and Seventh Bard] surveyed in an extremely unofficial manner [i.e., “How hot is this?” / “Incredibly!”] agreed that this was friggin’ HAWT. This ensemble also has the added entertainment value of trying to pass itself off as a dress, when it’s clearly a long-line corset with stocking clips. It also includes a design element for which I apparently have a horrible weakness: namely, the long-sleeved bolero thing. Along with the gratuitous buttons, silly studs, visible underwear, unusually shaped platform pumps, and vials of poison [?!] in the thigh holsters, these traits definitely make the outfit deadly, insofar as viewers will die laughing at its absurdity. Therefore it epitomizes a combination of flamboyance, weirdness, and skimpiness, thus making it a quintessential choice for my alter ego.