I went to @natalunasans’ house for a long weekend, coming back today. My DW dolls met her DW dolls and had several photostories. I also helped her sort some of her massive amounts of 1:6 scale stuff and chose those items that I wanted for myself.
L to R: 1:6 scale storage bins filled with bags, hands/feet, and some other shit I forgot. Shoes appropriate for jamming onto figures’ ankles to make them stand without feet. Bag of stuff for Shalka dorks [top, contains green apron]. Bag of pants.L to R. Stuff for Shalka Dorks. Accessories like scarves. Pants. Jackets. Skirts. Long-sleeve shirts. Socks.
L to R: MGA Moxie Kids, Toynami Lain Serial Experiments, Jakks Pacific Juku Courture head on MGA articulated Bratz body, Obitsu rooted head, Mattel Gabby Douglas on Made To Move body, Obitsu Marrone 27cm, heads [detailed later], Mattel Flavas Liam, Mattel Avastars, BBI Perfect Body chest plate [above Avastars].L to R, starting right after Mattel Avastars: black wire tree, Obitsu 27cm clear body, 2x Obitsu Slender Male bodies 27cm in pale, Spin Masters Liv, MGA articulated Bratz body, Mattel articulated Stacy body. Pieces of 1:6 scale bench [brown and white wood above Bratz and Stacy bodies.Heads, top to bottom: Obitsu rooted for 27cm, Parabox elf head [6mm eyes], unknown Magneto/Ian Mckellan, Disney John Smith [Pocahontas], Mattel Modern Circle Melody [Francie sculpt].I’ve got plans for a lot of this stuff, mostly related to my current DW obsession. The brunette Juku Couture/Bratz is the [Little] Witch, a childhood incarnation of the Master’s. The Flavas Liam will be spliced with the Avastars legs to make Batshit Harry, another version of the Master, who appears in one of my fanfics. The Modern Circle Melody will be repainted [and probably rehaired] as Galleia of Atlantis, another DW character, who will eventually appear in one of my fanfics.
I’m also excited about anything that looks appropriate for a 1:6 scale kid. I have a very small amount of them, but I decided to add more to my populations. They’re good for some variety in background scenes. I’m also pleased to have some spare bodies, including some without breasts. [Most of my spare bodies are adults in pale or medium pink with breasts.]
While I was down there, I also hit Target, which does not exist in Vermont. I spent $75.00 for 1:6 scale stuff, something I almost never do when shopping in person. Items below.
L to R: Battat Our Generation Girl Biology set, Battat Our Generation Girl Mini May Lee, Battat Lori Glam Gal outfit, fidget cube by??????, Positively Perfect Fresh Girls Indigo deluxe set, Battat Lori Seraya, Elsa eraser.
Biology set was made for 18″ dolls, but sometimes accessories for the Our Generation line are more 1:6 scale than 1:4 scale. The two 8″ kids with inset eyes are obviously fulfilling my need for more 1:6 scale kids. Clothing set was purchased because I was on a kick for acquiring 1:6 scale glasses. Fidget cube will be a Fiendish Device. The Fresh Girls Indigo, the most expensive at $26.00, has the same head sculpt as Fresh Dolls Mia, which I used for Bill. This one just has wretchedly printed eyes and a darker brown skintone. I got rid of the sandals and the blue skirt, then mangled the zebra/yellow dress when trying to turn it into a skirt, so basically I paid $26.00 for microbraids. I’m okay with that. Threw away Elsa eraser, as it was not salavageable on closer inspection.