Over the last few days I’ve been working on a digital likeness of Roger Delgado as the Master. I finally got it pretty good, excepting the white blazes in the hair. This is another project done entirely within Daz Studio, with commercial morphs, custom D-Forms, and other tools available within that program. It was a challenge because there are few good stills of him to work from. Here are my progress screencaps that I was sharing with fellow dorks.
First, here are some of my reference shots.
My progress below:
I started off with a Genesis 3 Male base. Here’s the default shape.This is after moving some of the facial “bones” around and also using my Morphalynn morph package for G3F ported over to G3M.
At this point, I moved him over to my preferred base figure, Genesis 3 Female, and continued to refine, using the many commercial morphs that I have for this figure. Most are from Dogz’ 200 Plus Morphs set, as well as my Morphalynn for G3F package. Texture is Luthbel’s G2M Horror Survivors Marius. Brows are from smay’s G3M Santa Claus Hair. Beard is from MEC4D’s G2M Unshaven 2. Irises are from Daz Original V5 Bree.
Refining sculpt and testing Neftis and cauchemar3d’s G2M Jack the Ripper Hair. Appropriate shape, but too messy.Texture altered to remove original eyebrows and red undertones in favor of sepia. Added Luthbel’s G2M Horror Survivors Marius brows. Testing StudioMaya’s M4 AllBack4Men. Too simply sculpted.The next few pictures are the “Goddammit Roger Delgado’s nose is hard to sculpt!” section.
Visible parts of outfit from MaratinJFrost’s G2F Penny Dreadfull top, Ed3DArt’s G3F Gladiatrice, and petipet’s Space Stones. I think those are Fisty and Darc’s Aeflaed’s Fancy shaders and maybe Parrotdolphin’s Soft Leather.After several tries of doing his nose solely with extant morphs, I got as far as I could [about 50% of the way] there, then did custom sculpting with D-Forms. At this point I decided that he was good enough for my likeness purposes, and the right hair would improve the likeness enough for me to be finished.
And, since the whole point of this is to make a character with a wide variety of clothes, poses, and expressions, here’s me testing some expressions as I sculpted along.
“Pay attention to me!”“Why yes, I **AM** amazing.”There’s a running joke in my fanfic that the Master is actually a cat, after that incident in the Survival serial that left that feline conversion disease in his system. All cat ears pics are of Catster, who, in this pic, is happy because he’s thinking about his Domina. Cat ears from AprilYSH’s G2F Tandy Hair. Clothing from Ravenhair’s G2M Regency Suit.
“Yippee! It’s good enough for now!” Propschick and SWAM’s M4 Royal Prince Hair with custom morphs. MEC4D’s Unshaven for Genesis for another layer of beard. Collar from G3F Total Anarchy by Rhiannon. Makeup from Neikdian’s G3F Artistic Makeup Concepts 1. Robe from G3F Winter Fantasy by JGreenlees, Mada, PoisenedLily, and Moyra.And, after all that, here’s a test render [i.e., not perfect] of Alison and her Magister. I detailed pretty much everything for the Master already, so here are Alison’s sources. G3F base figure with Cayman Studios’ Legacy G2F Base UVs for G3F product. [The Master uses them too.] Fred Winkler Art and Sabby’s G2F Keshi texture, tweaked for warmer brownness. Hair is Traveler’s V4 Alicia for the base and Hellboy’s G2F Big Afro. CHoker from Ravenhair’s G3M Dark Whisper. Key from Lilflame and Sveva’s Key to a Storybook. Top and Bracers from SWAM and Silencer’s V4 Elverado, with textures by Shox Design. Pose from Val3DArt’s Honeymoon set for G3F and G3M.