Today we stayed indoors with the air conditioning on as we worked industriously on 1:6 scale props.
I suspect that Carnelian’s smile is supposed to be a rictus of mental derangement. However, her expression always seems to me to be filled with surprise and wonder. She’s thrilled by her ability to conjure purple flames!Before we started on props, we found some new body parts for Carnelian. She came with a squidgy torso, squidgy arms, and squidgy limbs. The squidgy [i.e., sheathed in soft plastic, with no visible joints] torso and arms make sense because of her elaborate tattooing. However, the squidgy legs hampered her poseability and, because they had ankle extensions, made her unstable. We swapped out her squidgy legs for a set of hard plastic ones from natalunasans’ stash. Here she demonstrates a kneeling posture that she could not have taken with her default lower limbs.I also sliced [raggedly, but still…] the forearm plastic around Carnelian’s upper arms. There were swivel joints there, albeit hampered by the squidgy plastic skin over them. Now I’ve made a visible mess of her upper arms and smudged her right bicep tattoos, but the swivel joints function!Before I came down here, I designed some pulp fiction magazines with pictures from’s Pulp Magazine Archive. As I have done previously, I made parody titles and authors for the stories illustrated on the covers. From left to right, Carnelian and Harry show off Startling Stories, Galaxy, and The Architect’s Solitude. The first features “Robots vs. Action Figures” by Barb E. Dahl. The second features “Desperate for Ear Plugs” by Shad Uppalreddi. The third is by Blue Printz. Caption says, “Her droids would deal with him. She had work to do.” Some of these can be opened and held like books in the midst of reading, while others are wrapped, unopenable, around text blocks of cardboard.Carnelian and Harry with, from left to right, Galaxy, Worlds of If, and another Galaxy.Featuring “The Mansplainer” by Anne Oyd. “If she aimed just right, she could knock him out with a single fruit…”Featuring “When Math Attacks!” by G.O. Metrie. It’s kind of hard to tell, but there are graphs hovering in the air about the guy at the right.They’re both reading copies of the magazine with my favorite cover: Weird Tales, featuring, “The Skull with Bad Breath” by Halley Tosis.As I was constructing Harry’s copy, I noticed that the colored ink wore off easily with rubbing. On the plus side, this magazine now looks like it’s really decades old. On the minus side, the gorgeous cover art is defaced. That’s when I realized that I had to laminate all the magazine covers with tape to preserve the art.I laminated Carnelian’s copy before I could mar it too badly.natalunasans’ Simm Master shows off her creative efforts from today: a back of drugs both historical and modern. She downloaded images of labels, resized them, and printed them out.These bottles came from Michaels, a craft supply store. They were sold as a set of 1:12 scale vegetables stored in jars.Modern drugs include hydrocodone, trazodone, and Fentanyl patches, the last of which are not shown. natalunasans made the hydrocodone and trazadone bottles with heavy duty straws for the bottles. The bottoms are heat mold plastic, and the tops are made of white card stock [separate pieces for the sides and top].
I also took a few shots of natalunasans’ dorks dolls.
This, of course, is the Master. I call him Simm to differentiate him from all the other Masters running around in doll form in our doll universes. I have to admit that I do really like this new version of his headsculpt. He looks bemused, disgusted, and So Done With This Shit…and a little bit entertained. It captures the quintessence of his character.These two, Razor on the left and evilcat on the right, are theoretically representations of the nicer and nastier aspects of Simm’s personality respectively. They seem to be getting along WAYYYY too well, however. What are they conspiring about???I gave Smug, a Nitwit Oddments felted kitty, to natalunasans. Ten, who has been having a bit of an existential crisis as of late, engages in cat therapy. At left, Shalka Doctor reaches out with dubious curiosity.Alison [left] and her girlfriend Levonah [right]. natalunasans’ Alison is so cute with her smirk!