More stock arrived today for the Goblin Market: oranges, yellow grapefruit, and more juice for the fridge.
Oranges and yellow grapefruit are both pencil top erasers from the same mold, just in different colors. They have holes on the bottoms, but idgaf because no one will be looking at the bottoms. They’re ~1.4cm in diameter, making them perfect for 1:7.33333333 scale [illustrated here by Missy] and 1:6 scale.Now I have citrus for my market, and I didn’t have to sculpt or texture it!Bill contemplates a good source of vitamin C.Bill admires the fridge of local juices. I am disappointed that the fridge only holds a max of 3 cartons wide x 2 deep. On the other hand, it holds 4 bottles wide x 3 deep, so I should probably get some more bottles.