Besides the Swedish Pippi head that I showed yesterday, I also have a Mattel Scooter. I have long wanted to make her a Pippi, since her red hair and mischievous expression are perfect. Anyway, at first I thought that the 2007 Mattel Mad Hatter body was too small for the Swedish Pippi head, so I moved it up to a Noix de Rome Ninie body. I added some ball-jointed pegs to Pure Neemo jazz hands and used those. I also added upper arm swivels, since the Noix de Rome body lacks them for some reason. The Hatter clothing still fit on this body, but with an appealingly too-small look.
Because the Swedish Pippi head did not match the Ninie body [the head was too red], I tried the Scooter head. The skintone matches much better, and she’s adorable. I will use Scooter for Fancy Pippi. Swedish Pippi will use Scooter’s original body, which is a better color match. I need to either give Fancy Pippi feet or glue her shoes on. I also need to do her hair. But she’s very close to done!!