More shots of my recently created pulps and Rocket Fuel Foods in action, courtesy of Alison and her extended Dork Fam.
Back, L to R: Ruth Doctor, Alison, Bill, the Spymaster, the Master. Front, L to R: the Doctor, the [Thirteenth] Doctor.The Portal Potty by P.P. Crapper and The Sensational Steam-Powered Chair by Roland A. Rounde.Why yes, I did have a digital model of a time vortex just hanging out, waiting to be used for this cover. The idea of Portal Potties has been cracking me up for years now.The Spymaster recommends Tides of Love by Myrrha Mayd to the Master, who is reading Scanties!: Women’s Underwear — A Brief History by Amelia Bloomer.The Doctor eats Stellar Sweets while the Doctor tells them about Death’s Pale Steed by Emmet O. Morry.Ruth Doctor prefers Comet Crunch.