Amish got new gloveless hands, painted to match.I made a shirt for Night. It took me about 4 hours, and it was exhausting. On the upside, it has little skulls on it!I made a doll of Meghna, Amish’s older sister, with a Barbie Fashionistas head and a Spin Master Liv body.She got a partial repaint, and now she’s redressed in her late 1980s/early 1990s finery, waiting for a mohair wig to simulate her permed hair.I painted a Noix de Rome Ninie body’s bust and legs in preparation for my upgraded Theo headsculpt, which will be more a yellow-based brown than the current.Dorklet sleepover. The bed is lofted on two bookcases I recently acquired in a trade, but there’s no ladder. Note Little Allison yelling down to Night on the floor. I assume that Amish is asking Silence why she’s all the way up there. He can’t reach her to throw a pillow at her! Kitty can wants to be up where all the action is.