The doll that I began about a year ago as the Spymaster has now come into his own as a denizen of Hardship first named the Disaster, then Amish, and now Ethan. After a month of painting and adjusting and ordering/waiting for hair and ordering/waiting for hands and all that sort of thing, he’s finally finished. Progress pics below.
With temporary faux fur wig and unpainted hands from BCS Baron Samedi.The fact that he could make this gesture made me snicker way too much.Rings, eyes, and eyeliner painted.These BCS hands are marvelously expressive — magician hands!I tried sculpting a beard. That didn’t work. I decided that he didn’t want facial hair.Custom made Tibetan mohair wig from Fantasydolls on Etsy — purple and black mix. Eyebrows, eyebags, and mouth have been added.Sadly the BCS hands’ paint kept chipping, so I gave him some HT Jack Sparrow hands. While not as dramatic as the BCS ones, they’re still very expressive and, importantly, bejeweled.
I touched up his rings for maximum tackiness. He likes the results!