Once upon a time, I articulated a Pleasant Company/American Girl Girls of Many Lands 9″ doll by splicing it with Obitsu parts. Here’s my first attempt
at articulating Qingting, a tertiary character from LHF. I used some parts of an Obitsu 27cm doll and didn’t like the results.
Later [11/12/2009], I used parts of an Obitsu 23cm as a core to make her sturdier.
In another experiment with articulating GOMLs, I hacked up another Obitsu to make Maggie.
Later [02/10/2010], I used a Jakks Pacific Juku Couture body to give another GOML, Isabeau, more articulation.
Anyway, I ditched all those dolls years ago and always missed Qingting. So I bought another GOML off Ebay and a new Obitsu 24cm and spliced them together very similarly to how I did the GOML/Obitsu hybrid in the first picture. No naked pictures because I spent a heck of a long time putting the little buttons on her top into the little button loops, and she is never taking that top off again.