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Toon Hardshippers in…Too Much [?] Chocolate!

Toon Hardshippers in…Too Much [?] Chocolate! published on 2 Comments on Toon Hardshippers in…Too Much [?] Chocolate!

Toon Silence tries to use magic to create a Valentine’s gift for Toon Ethan. The results are unexpected, but she has a solution.

This photostory is brought to you by Valentine’s Day, the locally made Snowflake Chocolates, and my parents, who gave me the chocolates. [They were the perfect size for ME!]

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Back at Tech Park: The Spymaster, Xeni, and the Butt Tree — also some majestic shots of the Magister

Back at Tech Park: The Spymaster, Xeni, and the Butt Tree — also some majestic shots of the Magister published on 1 Comment on Back at Tech Park: The Spymaster, Xeni, and the Butt Tree — also some majestic shots of the Magister

Later we three returned to Tech Park. The Spymaster, owned by @natalunasans, discovered a tree root that looked like a butt [hur hur hur] and pointed it out to his student Xeni, also owned by @natalunasans. She overplayed her shock and accusations that he was being cringe because…well…it really did look like a butt.

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A dorklet encounters an Elder Witch!!

A dorklet encounters an Elder Witch!! published on 1 Comment on A dorklet encounters an Elder Witch!!

Emily, a Petworks Ruruko [redressed, with inner thigh sockets carved out for better sitting], meets the Toon Magister on @natalunasans dining table [guest starring my water bottle in the background]. [With @natalunasans and @roseinthelibrary, I use “dorklet” to refer to a kidsy who embodies the qualities of a dorklet–in this case, unabashed curiosity.] Emily feels somewhat intimidated by the Magister’s august reputation, but not so intimidated that she stops staring. The Magister tries to engage her with his usual combination of courtesy and straightforward respect. Emily isn’t sure how to take this.

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Toon Clarity is finally finished!

Toon Clarity is finally finished! published on 2 Comments on Toon Clarity is finally finished!

She is a Disney ILY4ever Snow White Evil Queen fan doll headsculpt on a Mattel Made to Move Barbie body. Hands are from the original Disney ILY4ever doll too.

I had a big fight with her hair. First of all, there was too much of it, making her head lean back when I put her hair in a ponytail. I cut down, but did not remove, a lot of hair around the crown of her head, thus reducing the bulk of the ponytail.

I also rooted a streak of neon green into her hair, which is the first and probably last time I have ever rerooted a doll. I also melted some of her blond hair when I was heating her head with a hair dryer, so I had to reroot some blond hair at the nape of her neck.

She’s wearing the Evil Queen fan’s stock dress turned into a shirt and all her stock jewelry [key earrings and knife bracelet]. Her glasses are from the Disney ILY4ever Mirabel fan fashion pack. Her shorts are from the Disney ILY4ever Sleeping Beauty Maleficent fan. There are MGA Rainbow High fishnets under her black fishnets. She’s wearing MGA Rainbow High boots too.

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Two little dorklets and how they grew

Two little dorklets and how they grew published on No Comments on Two little dorklets and how they grew

It has come to my attention that my doll photostories confuse some people because I have several dolls representing the same characters. Forthwith, an overview of Silence and Ethan, the two Hardshippers with the most 1:6 scale representations at four each.

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Toon Hardshipper Day updated…plus all the toon Hardshippers together!

Toon Hardshipper Day updated…plus all the toon Hardshippers together! published on No Comments on Toon Hardshipper Day updated…plus all the toon Hardshippers together!

Today I finally finished my Toon Day 2.0. They now have their fur wig in the proper color for their long messy hair.

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Toon Hardshipper 9 completed: The Toon Magister!

Toon Hardshipper 9 completed: The Toon Magister! published on No Comments on Toon Hardshipper 9 completed: The Toon Magister!

I’m disturbed by his pants, which impugn his old-fashioned sense of modesty by showing off the body parts underneath. I might have to add a floor-length skirt. Nevertheless, I’m very pleased with the simple paint job on the head and the ease with which the paint stuck to the resin and followed my directions. I thought I hated painting. Turns out I just really hated painting slippery [probably unwashed] resin prints.

Behold the Toon Magister! And Toon Silence! Help I wuvs dem!

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Toon Hardshipper 8 completed: Toon Truth!

Toon Hardshipper 8 completed: Toon Truth! published on No Comments on Toon Hardshipper 8 completed: Toon Truth!

Toon Truth has been completed! He is a Disney ILY 4ever Christmas male doll head, repainted and rehaired, on an Obitsu Slender Male body with neck and forearms painted to match, and action figure hands. His glasses are from a Mattel fat Fashionista Ken a few years ago, his shirt from Mattel Ken in the 1960s [?] from my friend Lyra, and his pants from Mattel Ken Fashionista fashion pack.

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The Toon Magister redux!

The Toon Magister redux! published on 1 Comment on The Toon Magister redux!

Ever since HeroForge, an online character customizer specializing in tabletop gaming miniatures, introduced the ability to sculpt the miniatures’ faces, I’ve been making my favorite characters in the system. Naturally I improved my earlier versions of various Hardshippers, and I came up with a stylized Magister who looked both old and also very sweet and avuncular.

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Toon Dorklet 7 of 7 FINISHED: Toon Theo!

Toon Dorklet 7 of 7 FINISHED: Toon Theo! published on No Comments on Toon Dorklet 7 of 7 FINISHED: Toon Theo!

The last dorklet to have a first version of her completed, Toon Theo is here!

Toon Theo originally started out as a Jakks Pacific Disney ILY Mickey and Minnie fan head on the same body. I swapped her lower body for an MGA Rainbow High one to represent the fact that Theo is shorter and fatter than, say, Allison.

Along the way, I grew dissatisfied with the similarity of all the Disney ILY 4ever headsculpts, so I changed Toon Theo’s head to a Mattel singing Asha head. [Asha is the main character of Disney’s most recent animated musical Wish.] With an erasure of her freckles, a repaint of her eyebrows, and a gloss of her eyes, she was ready to join her bestest friend and love Allison!

Now I’ve just got to do Toon Day 3.0, the Toon Magister, and Toon Truth!

That’s two more toon Hardshippers than I ever planned on… :/

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Toon Silence and Toon Ethan in…Walking on the Waterfront!

Toon Silence and Toon Ethan in…Walking on the Waterfront! published on 4 Comments on Toon Silence and Toon Ethan in…Walking on the Waterfront!

Toon Silence [who recently got a Mattel Made To Move Curvy body with great articulation] and Toon Ethan went for a walk this afternoon. Enjoying the low humidity [after days of gross air-moisture levels, interspersed with gross amounts of rain], they sauntered along the edge of Lake Champlain on the Burlington Bike Path. They were going to pull snacks out of their ridiculous bags and eat them, but I decided against it.

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At @natalunasans house, July 3: Toon Silence and Toon Ethan eating bentos

At @natalunasans house, July 3: Toon Silence and Toon Ethan eating bentos published on 4 Comments on At @natalunasans house, July 3: Toon Silence and Toon Ethan eating bentos

Probably the most extensive treatment of these Rement bento box lunches that I will ever produce, this photostory features Toon Silence and Toon Ethan having lunch. I imagine that this scene takes place in the courtyard of Hardship High. Weird plants are played by a plastic landscaping piece for use in an aquarium.

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Toon dorklet 6 of 7: Toon Allison!

Toon dorklet 6 of 7: Toon Allison! published on No Comments on Toon dorklet 6 of 7: Toon Allison!

Modded Toon Allison’s wrists and forearms to allow greater flexion, cut her hair, and dressed her up. She still needs shuz and repainted eyebrows, but she is close to done!

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Toon Silence and Toon Ethan in…Goblin Market Adventures 01!

Toon Silence and Toon Ethan in…Goblin Market Adventures 01! published on 3 Comments on Toon Silence and Toon Ethan in…Goblin Market Adventures 01!

Couldn’t wait to show off my grocery store in progress, so I incorporated the mess into a photostory. Sadly the mess thwarts Silence and Ethan, who are 16 and 18, respectively, but still interested in mischief!

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Toon dorklet 4 of 7: Toon Ethancitx!

Toon dorklet 4 of 7: Toon Ethancitx! published on No Comments on Toon dorklet 4 of 7: Toon Ethancitx!

Toon Ethancitx was originally going to be a Disney ILY 4ever Cinderella fan, but that turned out to be Toon Night. Then he was going to be a Disney ILY 4ever Ariel fan, but that turned out to be Toon Meghna, who’s still in progress. Then Nata reminded me that I had a toon Spymaster doll and, since both the Spymaster and Ethan are based on Sacha Dhawan, I decided to convert my toon Spymaster into Toon Ethancitx.

I trimmed off the sculpted hair and gave him a blank forehead instead. Then I repainted him, removing a lot of the shading and eyebags that the toon Spymaster had. I made him a wig of faux fur and dressed him in a comfy outfit with sparkles and purple and rainbows, and he was done!

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Toon dorklet 2 of 7: Toon Day!

Toon dorklet 2 of 7: Toon Day! published on No Comments on Toon dorklet 2 of 7: Toon Day!

I knew that I wanted to use a Disney ILY 4ever Jasmine fan [same sculpt as for Toon Silencitx] for Toon Day, but I didn’t expect to finish Toon Day first!

Originally I wanted to shorten Toon Silencitx’s body, so I took about 1.5cm of height out of the torso and 0.75cm out of the ankles. This made the body too short for her, but a perfect height for the youngest dorklet. I removed the tits and used the body for Toon Day.

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Toon dorklet 1 of 7: Toon Night!

Toon dorklet 1 of 7: Toon Night! published on No Comments on Toon dorklet 1 of 7: Toon Night!

Disney came out with some ILY 4ever 12″ fashion dolls early this month. They are teenage girls in Disney cartoon style wearing outfits inspired by various Disney princesses. I have very little attachment to Disney princesses and a generally critical view of the Disney entertainment conglomerate, but I immediately started seeing toon dorklets in the various headsculpts. Result: I am now making toon versions of all seven. I bought the Disney ILY 4ever Cinderella fan and Jasmine fan, intending to make Toon Ethancitx and Toon Silencitx first, but, unexpectedly, Toon Night was the one I finished first. Continue reading Toon dorklet 1 of 7: Toon Night!

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