The last dorklet to have a first version of her completed, Toon Theo is here!
Toon Theo originally started out as a Jakks Pacific Disney ILY Mickey and Minnie fan head on the same body. I swapped her lower body for an MGA Rainbow High one to represent the fact that Theo is shorter and fatter than, say, Allison.
Along the way, I grew dissatisfied with the similarity of all the Disney ILY 4ever headsculpts, so I changed Toon Theo’s head to a Mattel singing Asha head. [Asha is the main character of Disney’s most recent animated musical Wish.] With an erasure of her freckles, a repaint of her eyebrows, and a gloss of her eyes, she was ready to join her bestest friend and love Allison!
Now I’ve just got to do Toon Day 3.0, the Toon Magister, and Toon Truth!
That’s two more toon Hardshippers than I ever planned on… :/
Continue reading Toon Dorklet 7 of 7 FINISHED: Toon Theo!